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ISG Digital Dish

Jun 26, 2020

Despite what many people think, personality type is a more accurate indicator of how we handle change than age. Understanding our character and how we instinctively react to change, including the way it affects our confidence, our stress levels and our tolerance is especially important right now. The need for self-awareness has never been greater as we each grapple with a “new normal” and what it means for us. Being self-aware – and leading with that awareness of self – increases our ability to handle new situations, adapt to change and seek or even create new opportunities for ourselves. Tammie Pinkston, Director of Organizational Change Management at ISG, joins host Jeanne Cuff to explore the personal and professional change-related challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and how to handle the ongoing uncertainty. Listen in as they discuss what leading with self means and how doing so can help develop key leadership qualities.